UIU Mars Rover 2022 (MAVEN)
Project information
- Category: Hardware
- Competetion: University Rover Challenge
- Project date: 06 June, 2022
- Project URL: UIU Mars Rover Team
UIU Mars Rover Team, Maven is a multidisciplinary team formed by a group of enthusiastic students with more than 20 members from different educational backgrounds including Computer Science, Electrical Science and Business Studies of United International University under the supervision of UIU Robotics Club. Each of the team members are responsible for a different aspect of the rover and we've put every effort into making it as perfect as possible. It is one my pleasure to be with this team. I worked as a Mechanical and Electrical team member and contributed as much as I can. It was an amazing experience for me to work with this team. We are selected to the finals for University Rover Challenge 2022 with a score of 90.92 based on our system acceptance review.